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Top Ten Ways to Connect with Verbode!


Top Ten Ways to Connect with Verbode!

Sarah Bytyqi

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Sarah is a Texas born, Oklahoma City-based real estate broker. She is the owner and founder of Verbode...

Oct 18 5 minutes read

It seems every day a new online social media is born. The very next day people find out they can connect with a business or brand. This has helped brands inform their customers in a whole new exciting way. Verbode has taken this idea of connection and changed the way people think about a Real Estate Brokerage. We no longer want to only inform our clients, we strive to inform our neighborhoods, districts and communities on all things OKC! We feel our clients are no longer just looking for a new home, they are also looking for a new community. They want to know about the closest district or what park is walking distance from their new home. Verbode uses many different online media to connect with you and we use them in the best way possible.

Below is the list of ways to connect with Verbode online and what we usually post to them.

10. Google + – It seems Google is the best way to get out the basic information about a company or brand. Info like location, hours of operation and what type of company we are. This allows for anyone to type Verbode into a Google search and get the exact information you need.

9. Steller – Still an unknown app., Steller is slowly becoming a place for all types of people to write their own short stories. You can add photos, videos and hashtags. It is a creative place for creative marketing that can connect someone to a product or location in a whole new way.

8. Periscope – 2015’s app. of the year, Periscope is a live connection to those who are near your business location at any given time. You can shoot video show off your process and where you work.

7. Youtube – For some, Youtube has replaced classic television programming. You can find news, entertainment, education and videos from around the world. Verbode is able to shoot video with informative content for the large percentage of visual types. We plan on adding new videos monthly. 

6. Snapchat – It was a platform that had a rocky start, but has become a great tool to shoot small snippets of work life. Verbode can shoot a meeting, a new listing or even an event in one of our many districts. It also gives us the opportunity to answer questions and allows for suggestions by our clients.

5. Pinterest – Little did anyone know that Pinterest would become the easiest way to share what a client prefers and is looking for in a home. We are able to post our listings, neighborhoods, and districts. Giving those on the search a place to pin to their own personal boards.

4. Instagram – A photo album in modern times, Instagram can help you connect with like-minded creatives and businesses in your area and around the world. Verbode loves taking photos of our day and the work that we do. Still photographs will never lose their charm and remain the easiest way to show a home.

3. Twitter – Twitter only allows 140 characters, yet millions have found a way to inform regardless. Used all over the world for news updates and what seemed to be the best way to connect with the modern business. Twitter is still relevant years after it’s birth.

2. Facebook – The majority of the people you know have a Facebook page. It is used in so many different ways by so many different types of people. Connecting with friends and family, planning an event and even keeping up with trends. Follow our Agents: Bryson Maxwell, Gary Caplinger, Michelle Belknap, Barrett & Tennille McCallister, Veronica Galaviz, Mary Hatch, Ginny Hawkins and Julie Kramer.

1. – Our website is the best online resource for our clients. We can show you all listings in the Oklahoma City and surrounding areas. We are able to show what is available near your favorite district. We can show you what is available in your favorite neighborhood. Our blog is a great resource to find out what listings are new and where you can find our weekend open houses.

We love all these online connections, although the best way to connect with us is in person, on the phone or by email! Come by and see us anytime at 415 N. Broadway on Automobile Alley in Downtown OKC. You can reach us at 405-757-7001 or [email protected].

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